Frequently Asked Questions

It's your first time renting a limo? Surely, you will have many questions; that is why we are here to advise you and help you make the best decision for your next event in Cincinnati, Ohio. On this page, you will find a list of the most frequent questions of our customers; however, if you need more information, don't hesitate to contact us.

We are ready to hear you and answer all your doubts. Even if you need help selecting the best limo at the best prices and with the ideal size to accommodate your whole group, our customer attention team will be available 24/7 for you. For us, it's a pleasure to attend to you, so let us know the details of your event and group to give you the best suggestions for a successful day!

  • Where can I learn more information about pricing?

    To learn more about our prices, please call one of our courteous front-line agents! You can also send a message in the form below.

  • Can I smoke on the bus

    Unfortunately, we don’t allow smoking of any kind on the vehicle. This is to respect our non-smoking patrons, and it keeps our vehicles fresh and clean.

  • Can my guests drink on the bus?

    As long as they’re at or over 21 years of age, they’re welcome to drink in the vehicle.

  • Are we required to tip the driver?

    Absolutely not! Although we do encourage it if you feel that our driver went above and beyond.

  • Can we stop so I can use the bathroom?

    Of course. We allow for unlimited stops!

  • Would I be better off renting a limousine or a party bus?

    It all depends. Limousines are generally better for smaller groups who are trying to get to a destination and nothing more. Our party buses are perfect if you’re looking to party on board!

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